“Highest image quality, powered by the latest processor technology leads to exceptional capture and read rates and ultra-fast processing time, covering multiple lanes of traffic,” says Tobias Deubel, VP global sales at Jenoptik. “Our powerful data management solutions then turn data into knowledge with automated data processing and real-time analytics. The high-performance back-office software uses deep learning and AI, to enable make, model and colour (MMC) detection and advanced video analytics for monitoring moving vehicle offences such as illegal turns.”
Also shown are the latest additions to the top-end high performance TraffiStar product portfolio, widely known in the market for its reliability and flexibility of use in various road safety applications. “One real highlight is our new sustainable design TraffiPole housing, nominated for the Intertraffic Green Globe Award. Its highly functional, award-winning double-wall design enables efficient air circulation, eliminating the need for air conditioning even in very hot climates,” says Danuta Eberle, VP global sales services and strategy at Jenoptik. “This significantly reduces power consumption and thus CO2 emissions.”
As an end-to-end solution provider, Jenoptik supports its customers also with the provision of roadside equipment and software, including integration, installation, and maintenance. In addition, the company provides attractive and tailor-made full-service models for technology, software, services and operation that keep up-front investments, financial risk and personnel management to a minimum for customers.
Stand 01.416