Q-Free consortium awarded Slovenia tolling contract

Slovenia’s motorway management company Družba za Avtoceste v Republiki Sloveniji (DARS) has awarded a consortium of Q-Free and Telekom Slovenije the contract to deliver a nationwide truck tolling system for the country. Q-Free will provide the system delivery, including the enforcement back office, toll tags, service and maintenance for the US$111 million contract. Communications services provider Telekom Slovenije is a leading partner in the consortium and provides mobile and fixed communication se
Charging, Tolling & Road Pricing / March 14, 2016
Slovenia’s motorway management company Družba za Avtoceste v Republiki Sloveniji (DARS) has awarded a consortium of 108 Q-Free and Telekom Slovenije the contract to deliver a nationwide truck tolling system for the country.

Q-Free will provide the system delivery, including the enforcement back office, toll tags, service and maintenance for the US$111 million contract.

Communications services provider Telekom Slovenije is a leading partner in the consortium and provides mobile and fixed communication services, system integration, cloud computing services and multimedia content.

Delivery is scheduled to be complete in a year, followed by a service and maintenance period of ten years, with an option to extend the service and maintenance period with additional three years.
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