In December 2016, the
Seminole County, a BlueTOAD user since 2011, tested the new Spectra sensors as a possible solution for their need to monitor and collect data during non-peak hour traffic conditions.
Palm Beach County, a BlueTOAD user since 2012, tested the Spectra technology on one of their primary arterial roadways, stating that they achieved a match rate of 394 vehicles in one hour.
A new BlueTOAD user, Manatee County Florida, is currently deploying a 60-unit Spectra sensor system countywide for real-time travel-time monitoring, signal retiming and evacuation route planning.
BlueTOAD spectra traces anonymous Bluetooth signals from mobile devices in vehicles to determine travel times, road speeds and vehicle movements, even when a phone is paired to the vehicle rendering it ‘undiscoverable’. This increase in data provides the most accurate travel times on lower volume roads and during non-peak hours, while also providing for a much larger footprint for area-wide origin/destination studies.