Uber suspended from resuming Arizona self-driving tests

Arizona’s state governor Doug Ducey has ordered officials to suspend Uber’s right to test autonomous vehicles on local roads pending the outcome of inquiries by national transport safety regulations – in a report from the BBC. It follows a letter that Ducey sent to the car-hailing company in which he stated that there had been an unquestionable failure to make safety the top priority.
UTC / March 28, 2018
Arizona’s state governor Doug Ducey has ordered officials to suspend Uber’s right to test autonomous vehicles on local roads pending the outcome of inquiries by national transport safety regulations – in a report from the <%$Linker:2External<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary />000link-external BBCfalsehttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-43554965falsefalse%>. It follows a letter that Ducey sent to the car-hailing company in which he stated that there had been an unquestionable failure to make safety the top priority.

He referred to a released video of the incident which shows the car’s operator looking down for about five seconds rather than directly on the road.

Uber stated it would help investigators in any way possible.

The company halted trials after one of its vehicles killed a pedestrian last week.