CTS executive joins MaaS Alliance’s board of directors

Cubic Transportation Systems (CTS) director of strategy Andy Taylor has joined MaaS Alliance’s board. He will help promote Mobility as a Service (MaaS) initiatives around the world. The MaaS Alliance, launched by Ertico, is a public-private partnership of which Cubic is a founding member. The group aims to establish a foundation for a common approach to implementing MaaS in Europe and beyond.
June 28, 2018
378 Cubic Transportation Systems (CTS) director of strategy Andy Taylor has joined 8356 MaaS Alliance’s board. He will help promote Mobility as a Service (MaaS) initiatives around the world.  

The MaaS Alliance, launched by 374 Ertico, is a public-private partnership of which Cubic is a founding member. The group aims to establish a foundation for a common approach to implementing MaaS in Europe and beyond.

Taylor says: “Cubic’s mission is to accelerate the evolution of MaaS by putting public transit in the driver’s seat and considering the wider objectives of a city and a region in MaaS implementation efforts.”

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