From 4 to 7 June, Ireland will play host to the 9th 6456 ITS World Congress in Dublin, where the four-day Congress will showcase the world's most sophisticated intelligent transport systems (ITS)
The Congress, one of the largest events for intelligent transport systems and services in Europe, has been organised by374 Ertico-ITS Europe in close cooperation with the 1690 European Commission. It is being hosted by 7075 ITS Ireland, 7086 Dublin City Council and the Irish 7233 Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport.
The Congress focuses on sustainable cities and the challenges of sustainable mobility, especially with regards to traffic management, public transport, parking, and road safety. Public authorities, city representatives and users will be able to discuss best practices and look at how ITS applications and policies can be implemented in different situations
The online interactive timetable is available on the Congress website with the full preliminary programme being unveiled at the end of March.
Registration is now under way and a review process is being finalised for technical paper and special sessions.
The Congress, one of the largest events for intelligent transport systems and services in Europe, has been organised by
The Congress focuses on sustainable cities and the challenges of sustainable mobility, especially with regards to traffic management, public transport, parking, and road safety. Public authorities, city representatives and users will be able to discuss best practices and look at how ITS applications and policies can be implemented in different situations
The online interactive timetable is available on the Congress website with the full preliminary programme being unveiled at the end of March.
Registration is now under way and a review process is being finalised for technical paper and special sessions.