The Argos portable artificial intelligence (AI) traffic object analyser is said to combine AI with machine vision for object tracking, classification and speed measurement. It features an eye device which carries out turning movement count and vehicle classification at intersections as well as origin / destination count and vehicle classification at roundabouts. The platform also delivers multi-lane road and highway vehicle count, classification and speed measurement.
Argos, according to Tim Lierenfeld, sales manager, Argos can differentiate vans with or without windows and can be deployed for operations led by cities, governments, organisations, police and traffic consultants and others.
Additionally, the Ecount in-ground parking sensor is being showcased at this year’s event. It is designed with the intention of delivering real-time parking data and detecting free parking access.
“It has just two sensors placed in the carparks entrance and exit. It is easy to install and provides a low-cost solution,” Lierenfeld added.
Epark, an in-ground or surface-mounted parking sensor, is also on display at the company’s stand. It aims to offer detection of presence and non-presence and communicates via a Lora gateway.
Stand: 10.307