Industry AMS road safety devices, crash cushions on display at Intertraffic

Italian company Industry AMS, a designer, developer and manufacturer of road safety devices, will be focusing on crash cushions and end terminals on its stand at Intertraffic Amsterdam. The company will also be highlighting its SMA City design, a crash cushion for urban roads.
February 17, 2016
Industry AMS road safety devices avatar

Italian company 8331 Industry AMS, a designer, developer and manufacturer of road safety devices, will be focusing on crash cushions and end terminals on its stand at Intertraffic Amsterdam. The company will also be highlighting its SMA City design, a crash cushion for urban roads.

Industry AMS says its new SMA End Terminals can be used as crash cushions since they have been tested according the EN 1317 standard parts 3, 4, and 7. They also can be used as a redirective solution for work zones and tree-lined roads.

Meanwhile, the company’s T 2 and T 4 SMA end terminals with controlled deformation are designed to protect side and median barriers from vehicle impacts. They are made entirely of steel and formed by a collapsible beam with controlled deformation which gradually absorbs the crash to help avoid injuries for the car occupants. These devices are double sided so they absorb impact energy from both sides and they are bidirectional so they absorb the impact of vehicles coming from both directions of travel.

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