Qvision offers a low-cost alternative to streaming by providing live video updates of traffic conditions on highways, bridges, tunnels, cargo areas or any congestion points – and now the Qvision Hybrid Option enables agencies to utilize both live video streaming and video clips on the system depending on the need.
Live streaming can be used when sharing video with other agencies, such as police or fi re departments, while video clips are more practical to deliver up-to-date traffic information to the public. These clips take up only 5-10% of the bandwidth that streaming video consumes, resulting in a significant resource and cost savings.
The company also introduced the Qvision Plug- In, allowing agencies to integrate cell modem connected cameras with traffic management systems. Previously, these cameras required totally different systems from traditional hard wired traffic management cameras. Incorporating cell modem cameras into a TMS enables live video from virtually any location regardless of Internet availability.