“We saw that enforcement agencies were looking for a unified platform that could help them streamline the way they handled incidents, while also being able to provide better management and control,” says Redflex CEO, Mark J. Talbot.
Redflex’s innovative Alcyon back office platform automates the complicated process of camera management, data transfer, extraction of incidents, transformation of data, adjudication, ticket issuance and payments, including appeals and violator self-service.
At the heart of Alcyon is a powerful rules engine that allows agencies to set their own business rules. No manual intervention is required: Alcyon works to automate the allocation of work, based on the priorities the organisation establishes.
Alcyon’s smart and innovative computer telephony integration solution provides call centres with simplified and consistent information, thereby improving efficiency and customer satisfaction. Resource and asset management are combined into a simple and seamless solution.
Stand: 11.105
Redflex automates traffic offences with Alcyon
Redflex is here at Intertraffic to highlight its innovative solution for processing and managing photo enforcement incidents. This can be a costly, complex and time-consuming task for an organisation, particularly so as camera networks proliferate and volumes of data increase. Numerous touch points and variables in the infringement life cycle add to the challenge.
“We saw that enforcement agencies were looking for a unified platform that could help them streamline the way they handled incidents, while als
March 20, 2018
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